Contact us

Who we are?

We are the leading staking service provider for blockchain projects. Join our community to help secure networks and earn rewards. We know staking.


We invest a lot of time and effort to set up robust validator nodes and put security measures around our nodes. On top of just the infrastructure, we eat our own lunch by having our own tokens staked on our validators. We spend a considerable amount of time doing our due diligence on each blockchain we decide to support.

How staking works?

Proof of Stake blockchains have validators who create, propose, or vote on blocks to be added to the blockchain. These validators are required to run robust hardware that is online 24/7 with multiple security features in place. This is a lot of work, and that’s where we come in. We are a professional validator that never sleeps so you can stake with peace of mind.

Always Distributed

Not only are our validator nodes and sentry nodes globally distributed, our team is as well! This guarantees that we have 24 hour coverage of our validator nodes. We can monitor and jump to address any issues that arise. We plan to keep our team in different locations of the world, so rest assured that someone from GENZ will always be watching over our nodes.

Always Devoted

We have deep roots in the crypto space. Our founder co-founded one of the world’s largest mining pools. We, as GENZ, are here to make similar contributions to Proof of Stake blockchains. We invest time and effort to help secure blockchains that we believe will be used decades down the road.

Always secure

We don’t compromise on security. We would rather take a conservative approach in our infrastructure than strive for efficiency.